Happens when you hang out in rooms with other people who have way more zeros — your problems are so small to them. Often, they can see into your future. It's a really weird thing. One of my mentors, David Osborne, who was worth 100 million at the time — I thought that was the richest any human could be — we were on a walk, and he was like, "How much money do you have right now?"
I was like, "I don't know, I have 100K in the bank right now."
He's like, "No, no, how much money exactly do you have in the bank?"
And I was like, "Well, I don't know. I'd have to look."
He goes, "You have to look? How much money do you make a month?"
And I was like, "Well, about this."
He's like, "You don't know exactly?"
And I was like, "I also don't know that."
"How much money do you spend?"
"I also don't know that."
And he goes, "Money is a cruel mistress. If you don't pay attention to her, she will leave you for somebody else."
I remember hearing that conversation and thinking, let's take that one step further. So, if all I have to do is follow my money, look at her, pay attention to her, and she'll grow...
And he said, "I can guarantee you, if in one year from now, you look at your money every single day and you look at your spendings and your savings, and you think about an ability to grow both, one year from now, you will be richer."
And I was like, "You guarantee?"
And he's like, "I guarantee."
"Hang out with"
뜻: ~와 어울리다, 시간을 보내다
예문: I love hanging out with friends on weekends. (주말에 친구들과 어울리는 걸 좋아해요.)
"Way more"
뜻: 훨씬 더 많은
예문: He has way more experience than I do. (그는 나보다 훨씬 더 많은 경험이 있어.)
"See into the future"
뜻: 미래를 예측하다
예문: It's almost like she can see into the future with her business strategies. (그녀의 사업 전략은 마치 미래를 보는 것 같아.)
"Take it one step further"
뜻: 한 단계 더 나아가다
예문: Let's take it one step further and analyze the data in detail. (한 단계 더 나아가 데이터를 자세히 분석해 보자.)
"Pay attention to"
뜻: ~에 주의를 기울이다
예문: You need to pay attention to the details in this report. (이 보고서의 세부사항에 주의를 기울여야 해.)
뜻: 보장하다
예문: I can guarantee that this product will last for years. (이 제품이 오래간다는 것을 보장할 수 있어요.)
"Savings and spendings"
뜻: 저축과 소비
예문: I keep track of my savings and spendings every month. (매달 저축과 소비를 기록해요.)
"Look at"
뜻: ~을 보다, 살펴보다
예문: Look at the sky! It’s so beautiful tonight. (하늘을 봐! 오늘 밤 정말 아름다워.)
"Cruel mistress"
뜻: 냉정한 주인 (비유적으로 사용됨)
예문: Success can be a cruel mistress if you don't balance your life. (성공은 삶의 균형을 맞추지 않으면 냉정한 주인이 될 수 있어.)
뜻: 성장하다, 증가하다
예문: If you invest wisely, your money will grow over time. (현명하게 투자하면 시간이 지나면서 돈이 늘어날 거예요.)