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[유튜브 숏츠 영어공부 #15] Try This to Shift Your Relationship With Money & Bring MORE of it Into Your Life...

by 지아름 2024. 12. 16.



대부분의 사람들이 월급을 받을 때—저도 수년간 이런 사람이었어요—월급을 보자마자 이렇게 생각했죠. ‘이거 여전히 부족해. 부족해.’ 월급을 보는 순간부터 돈에 대해 부정적인 에너지를 쏟아냈어요. ‘아직도 부족해, 내가 원하는 만큼 아니야, 이걸로 청구서나 다 낼 수 있을까? 이건 말도 안 돼.’ 그런 다음 제가 어떻게 했을까요? 그 돈을 아무하고도 나누지 않았어요. 아무에게도 주지 않았고, 그냥 움켜쥐고 있었어요.

관리했나요? 아니요. 부족하다고 불평만 했죠. 그 돈을 즐기지도 않고, 나누지도 않았어요. 낭비했어요. 쓸데없는 것들을 사는 데 써버렸죠.

그런데요, 반대로 월급을 받으면 전혀 다른 태도를 가진 사람이 있어요. 몇 년 전 제가 제 자신을 바꾸면서 크게 변화를 준 부분이에요. 요즘은 돈을 받을 때마다—특히 온라인 사업을 하면 언제 어떤 돈이 들어올지 모르잖아요—제 관점을 완전히 바꾸기로 했어요.

돈이 들어올 때마다, 저는 눈을 감고 이렇게 말했어요. ‘고마워요.’ 그 사람의 이름을 보면서, ‘존, 정말 고마워요. 신이여, 이 돈을 제 삶에 허락해 주셔서 감사합니다. 이걸로 어떤 식으로든 변화를 만들어낼 수 있기를 바랍니다.’ 이렇게 말했어요.

그 에너지를 돈에 담으려고 노력했어요. 놀라운 건요, 정말 말한 것처럼, 강이 점점 더 넓어지는 것 같더라고요. 


Most people, when they get their paycheck—I was this person for years—I’d get my paycheck and be like, ‘It’s still not enough. It’s not enough.’ From the moment I saw my paycheck, I was bringing in negative energy towards money. I’d think, ‘It’s still not enough, it’s not as much as I want, I don’t know if I can pay my bills with this. This is crap.’ And then what would I do? I wouldn’t share it with anybody, I wouldn’t give anybody that money, and I’d hoard it. Do I take care of it? No. I’d complain about not having enough. I didn’t enjoy it, I didn’t share it. I wasted it. I’d buy stupid stuff. Then, you see on the other side, someone who gets their paycheck—and this is a big thing that I changed in myself years ago. Anytime I would get a payment—because what’s cool about building business online is you can get payments at random times—I started shifting my perspective. I would get a payment, and every time I saw a payment come in, I’d close my eyes and say, ‘Thank you.’ I’d see the person’s name and say, ‘John, thank you so much. God, thank you so much for bringing this into my life. I hope that I can make some sort of transformation.’ I just wanted to bring that energy to it. And what’s crazy is, just like you said, it’s like the river just widened.


Core Expressions (핵심 표현들)

“It’s still not enough.”

"It’s still not enough to cover my expenses."

"No matter how much I earn, it feels like it’s still not enough."


“Bring in negative energy towards [something].”

"Let’s not bring in negative energy towards this project."

"She brought in negative energy towards her team with constant complaints."


“I don’t know if I can pay my bills with this.”

"The rising rent makes me worry, ‘Can I pay my bills with this salary?’"

"He asked himself, ‘Can I pay my bills with what I have left?’"


“I wouldn’t share it with anybody.”

"He’s always been generous; he’d never say, ‘I wouldn’t share it with anybody.’"

"Her attitude was, ‘Why should I share it with anybody?’"


“Shift my perspective.”

"I needed to shift my perspective to find the positive in the situation."

"Once you shift your perspective, things start to feel different."


“Thank you so much for bringing this into my life.”

"When someone gives you a gift, say, ‘Thank you so much for bringing this into my life.’"

"She looked at her friend and said, ‘Thank you so much for being in my life.’"


“Make some sort of transformation.”

"This experience helped me make some sort of transformation in my life."

"He said, ‘I hope this will inspire others to make some sort of transformation.’"


“The river just widened.”

"Once she embraced gratitude, it felt like the river just widened."

"Opportunities started flowing, and it felt like the river just widened."


“Wasted it on stupid stuff.”

"I regret wasting so much money on stupid stuff in my 20s."

"He realized he had wasted years on stupid stuff that didn’t matter."


“Bring that energy to it.”

"If you want success, bring that energy to your work."

"He brought such positive energy to the project that it succeeded beyond expectations."

Life Lesson (인생 교훈)

Gratitude creates abundance.
돈을 대하는 태도가 우리의 삶에 흐르는 에너지와 직결된다는 사실을 깨달아요. 부정적인 태도는 기회를 막고, 감사와 긍정적인 마음은 흐름을 열어줍니다.

Actionable Challenge (실천 과제)

  1. 이번 주에 돈이 들어올 때마다, "고맙습니다"라고 말해 보세요.
  2. 한 번이라도 누군가와 돈을 나눌 방법을 찾아보세요.

Related Expressions (연관 표현들)

  1. "Abundance mindset" (풍요로운 사고방식)
  2. "What you focus on expands." (집중하는 것이 커진다)
  3. "Money flows where gratitude grows." (감사가 커지는 곳에 돈도 흐른다)
  4. "Shift your energy to shift your reality." (에너지를 바꾸면 현실도 바뀐다)
  5. "Bless what you have to receive more." (더 많이 받기 위해 지금 가진 것을 축복하라)